[2018-3-29] Opening Tonight @ SITE Gallery Columbus - Playing Chess in the Chinese Room

Hello all,

I hope you have had a good critique week so far. I’d like to invite you to the opening reception for Playing Chess in the Chinese Room, an exhibition at SITE Gallery Columbus with work by myself and Doug Rosman. The opening is today, Thursday 3/29, from 4 to 6 PM.

Through our work, we seek to explore the human relationship with artificial intelligence, both as an antagonist and as a collaborator. Works include an interactive chessboard that is used to generate projected line drawings, six prints that are a visual transcription of the moment humans were unseated as the best intelligences at chess, and a grid of poems generated by predictive text, informed by an individual’s relationship with their phone and collected through the social media network of the artist.

Throughout the exhibition, and at the opening, we hope to create space for an open dialog about representation and the conceptual framing for the exhibition: John Searle’s 1980 Eurocentric thought experiment, the Chinese Room.

If you cannot make it to the opening, we would like to invite you to the other programming that will be ongoing through the duration of the exhibition:

Authentically Artificial: A discussion about artificial intelligence and destabilization

Apr 12 | 4-6pm | MacLean Ballroom

Alan Perry and Doug Rosman host a panel discussion with SAIC faculty about the sociocultural impact of accelerating advances in artificial intelligence.

Open Dialogs: Representation in Philosophy and Technology

Tuesdays 11:45-12:45 and Thursdays 12:15-12:45, April 3-19 | | SITE Gallery Columbus

Please join Alan Perry and Doug Rosman for open discussion about issues of representation in philosophy, technology, and chess.

We will be getting some beverages downtown after the opening as well. We hope to see you there!

