5.10-20.24 - BLACK ARTS AND DECOLONIAL SCIENCES fellowship @Watershed with CCAM, FYRTHYR

Greetings ATSP community and beyond, please take note and share widely with faculty, students, and friends: the special opportunity shared below.

From 10 May through 20 May 2024, the Fyrthyr Institute for Unsettling Technologies and its sister organization, the Center for Concrete & Abstract Machines (CCAM), will install a pop-up atelier-lab for fugitive planning and wake work at Watershed Art & Ecology, and conduct participatory experiments in the Black Arts and Decolonial Sciences.

To this end, the Fyrthyr and CCAM will invite four artists/researchers to join us at Watershed as fellow residents, awarding each fellow resident a $300 honorarium for their participation, providing them with a supplementary materials budget of up to $200, and offering them space, time, community, and camaraderie to develop a practice in the Black Arts and/or Decolonial Sciences.

If you are interested in joining us as fellow residents, please complete this application.

Please note that we are not able to provide travel and accommodation assistance for fellow residents, and that Chicago-based artists will receive priority during the review of applications.

Applications will be accepted through April 10, 2024.

Individuals chosen as fellow residents will be notified by April 17.

If you have any questions, please send an email to unsettlingtechnologies@thefyrthyr.org.