Hi folks, see attached a call for proposals and info session registration for the 2023–24 Arts, Science + Culture grant.
Check out the 2022-23 Graduate Collaboration Grant videos to get an idea of what types of projects ASCI funds, including Andrea Bryant and mine’s work Cosmic Seismic Chime. In my experience its been a very open and thoughtful process and the cohort had some fantastic people in it. Andrea and I are working together to this day. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
2023–24 Arts, Science + Culture
Graduate Collaboration Grants
Proposals due November 10, 2023
Virtual Info Session:
Monday, October 9
5:30 PM
Zoom Registration
Funding is available to support trans-disciplinary research between students in the arts/humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Propose a project for two or more graduate students, at least one in the arts and one in the sciences, to work together to investigate a subject from the perspectives offered by each discipline.
Selected teams will receive up to $3,000 in grant support.
Applications open to UChicago and SAIC students
For more information and access to the application, please visit the Collaboration Grant portal.