Who: Everyone is welcome to attend!
What: An open format reading group. This month we are discussing Decolonization is not a Metaphor.
When: February 16th, at 12pm central time
Where: Zoom:
- Link https://saic-edu.zoom.us/j/89547869798?pwd=OGovNUNDdDZRR0Z3eDFyeEFGOWVnUT09
- Meeting ID: 895 4786 9798
- Passcode: read
Why: A suggestion that arose from the discussion following the last town hall, and an initiative that is taking place in other departments on campus, is an ATS reading/discussion group that focuses on topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Anyone is welcome to join the group which will also meet monthly a day or two prior to the town halls. The idea here is that issues, concerns, or action items that emerge from this group could then filter into the town hall to bring the conversation to the broader community. This spring we will be meeting monthly and will discuss a new reading at each meeting.
Inspired by the group Complex Movement’s work Beware of the Dandelions, readings and discussions here are meant to merge into a network of conversations on campus and off campus creating opportunities for these discourses to continue both inside and outside of the department. For the February meeting, we would like to read and discuss Decolonization is not a Metaphor.
Have a reading you would like to propose? Email Kristin at kmcwharter@saic.edu
This event is also posted on our ATS events calendar which can be found here: ATS Google Calendar