[SAIC PTRG] Performance Technology Research Group - first meeting of FA2024

Hello to all,

The Performance Technology Research Group (PTRG) is starting up again for the semester this Monday at 11:30am.

This group is open to anyone (students, faculty, staff, alums, friends) who are interested in talking about signal processing, synthesis, controllerism, spatial audio techniques, image/video hacking, performed media, etc and pursuing projects related to the technologies that enable these things.

We will meet weekly during the semester in a kind of “lunch and learn” format where people share projects and project ideas, get help with personal projects, and converse about and experiment with new tech. We typically also work through a larger-scale group project that develops over the course of a semester or more.

Please feel free to join us to learn more. Invite friends. Drop in.

When: Monday, September 9th from 11:30 - 12:30
Where: MacLean 522 and Zoom: Launch Meeting - Zoom

I hope to see you there!
