Sound Course - Selected Topics: Microcontroller Sound - has a few open seats left for Fall 2018

What: Microcontroller Sound
When: Wednesdays, Fall 2018

Hello, all. I wanted to let people know that there are a few open seats in Microcontroller Sound, a “Selected Topics” class I am offering for the first time this fall in the Sound Department. It occurred to me that there might be some members of this community who would be interested in the subject matter but who might have missed the class it due to the way it is listed. So I am spreading the word. Here are some details:

  1. This is a Sound course, so the focus will be on audio applications and sound works that use or could use microcontrollers.
  2. The primary technology will be the Teensy 3.2 with the Teensy Audio Shield programmed in the Arduino IDE.
  3. We will develop a basic audio electronics toolkit comprising basic input and output conditioning circuits, including pre-amps, filters, and power amps.
  4. Arduino programming will be introduced and we will move directly from basics into audio libraries.
  5. The expected outcomes include sound installations, electronic instrument design, reactive sculpture, sound compositions for fixed media, environmental sound analysis, etc.
  6. Basic properties of sound signals in air and electronics will be discussed from the perspective of making digital sound systems.

Note: this course will not focus on RasperryPi or other single-chip computers. In other words, no operating systems like Linux or MacOS will be embedded. However, our microcontroller devices may communicate with computers using bluetooth, IR, radio, MIDI, etc.

FALL 2018
Wednesday 9am-4pm
Sound 3004 002 Top: Microcontroller Sound

Please feel encouraged to get in touch if you have any questions about the course!