Spring 2023 Grad Talks: Juliana Castro-Duperly and Yimei Zhu

Please Join us for grad talks on the subject of Gaze & Low Vision with Juliana Castro-Duperly and Yimei Zhu moderated by ATS faculty member Allie n Steve Mullen!

The event will take place Friday 4/14 at 4:15 pm in the ATS Flex Space.

If you have any questions or accommodation requests, please contact Kristin McWharter: kmcwharter@saic.edu

Juliana Castro-Duperly is a video artist and live video performer who understands video and written text as agents of construction and de-construction of meaning. The plasticity of both media allows her to create aesthetics that veil and unveil a poetry that, like video in real time, resides in the execution. The constant collaboration with sound artists and musicians, has allowed her work to be linked to improvisation, listening, and feeling. Her work has been shown in Sónar Bogotá, Mutek.co, Festival Domo Lleno, and most recently in Ars Electronica.

Yimei Zhu (Emair) is an experience-oriented creator who focuses on Art, Disability and Posthuman Bodies. Her artworks discuss deficiencies and imperfections seen through an unconventional perspective, and resist stereotypes that accompany disability. Simultaneously, she is exploring more possibilities for the human senses. Yimei uses various forms of media in practice, including images, sound, writing, software design, projection, interactive installation and bio-art, among others.

Today! Not to be missed: artist talks with Juliana Castro-Duperly and Yimei Zhu. 4:15 in the flex space && on zoom.

Join Us!
