Harvard’s department of Art, Film, and Visual Studies is currently searching for tenure-track colleagues in two fields: studio art and digital media practice.
These are remarkable opportunities for artists and filmmakers whose work may thrive in the stimulating community of practitioners and scholars here. We are especially interested in reaching and considering candidates who might not immediately consider themselves a “fit” with Harvard. These jobs are broadly defined.
We hope you might spread word of these positions and we would especially welcome any ideas you could share of candidates who come to mind — and to whom we might reach out and encourage to apply.
The descriptions of both jobs are attached, and the postings can be found here (digital media) and here (studio).
Thank you for your time in considering this, and we welcome any ideas, feedback or response you might have. We’re sharing an inbox to gather responses: afvssearches@fas.harvard.edu.
Above all, we hope this email finds you well!
With best regards,
Robb Moss, Professor (Chair of Digital Media Practice Search)
Matt Saunders, Professor (Chair of Studio Art Search)
HarvardAFVS2022_TenureTrackPositions_CombinedListing .pdf (124.6 KB)